
After being picked, the tea leaves are placed onto huge withering troughs, and to a depth of about 12 inches. Withering causes the leaf to lose about 60% of its moisture and this takes approximately 12 hours to achieve.


The leaf is put through a large roller, which gently breaks it down in size. This process is necessary whether manufacturing larger speciality leaves, or smaller ones for teabags.


The leaf is broken down into smaller particles using CTC ( Cut, Tear and Curl ) rollers. These rollers can produce smaller leaves which are required for teabag production, given the need for a relatively fast infusion within the confines of what is a small and compact pouch.


The juices released from the leaf after it is torn contain enzymes which react with oxygen in the air to oxidise or ferment. Over the period of an hour, this causes the leaves to turn a coppery colour much in the same way that an apple will, soon after the protective skin is broken.

Alamir tasting

Something the GSS food industries do every day. Only the top quality tea gardens submit their samples to the GSS food industries tea tasting room for scrutiny. A small sample of each tea is precisely weighed out, brewed for 3 minutes in special pots, then the brewed leaves are strained off. Hossein sayadi zade and other GSS tea tasters carfully examine each brew for colour, flavour, character and strength making sure that the teas are free from any taint and that the fermenting and drying stages have maximised the leaf´s potential.

Alamir Packing and Production

At the final step the teas packed process with best machines at Alamir factory. all parameters check during producing. packages keep with highest standards to keep their taste and quality.